Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Roosevelt Corollary

     This cartoon is about the Roosevelt Corollary, which added on to the Monroe Doctrine. This let the US enforce the Monroe Doctrine using their military. The cartoonist’s message is that he thinks that Roosevelt is doing the wrong things. I think so because Roosevelt is portrayed negatively in this cartoon. He is portrayed as strong, tall, and scary. The other people look scared and fearful. Another person might argue that the Roosevelt Corollary let us protect our hemisphere and that we are doing other countries near us a favor. One might think this because the men on the left can be interpreted as looking up to Roosevelt, rather than fearing him. The techies use in this cartoon are analogy and exaggeration. Roosevelt’s size is huge and is greatly increased. This is exaggeration. The analogy is that Roosevelt is being compared to a policeman. I think this because on the bottom of the cartoon, the words “ The World’s Constable,” are written. This cartoon shows imperialism as a strong, towering, and bad thing. This is similar to the way I see it, which is negative.

"Unit 3 - Imperialism." Sturgis West History. Weebly, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016.