Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Annexation of Hawaii

  This political cartoon is about the Annexation of Hawaii. The Annexation of Hawaii occurred when American sugar farmers in Hawaii revolted against the Queen’s laws against Americans. The cartoonist doesn't approve of the annexation of Hawaii. The cartoonist thought that America is “ eating Hawaii, ” which means they are taking control of Hawaii, without the consideration of Hawaii and other countries. I know this because Uncle Sam is holding a fork, about to eat Hawaii, while the other countries look surprised and insulted. Another person might argue that we are giving Hawaiians a better government and more freedom. The cartoonist used exaggeration. The artist made Uncle Sam and the other people look much bigger than they should be. Also, the cartoonist used symbolism as Uncle Sam cannot actually eat Hawaii. It is meant to be taken figuratively, not literally.

"Uncle Sam and His Oyster Sandwiches." Wikimedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 20 Feb. 2016. 

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