Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The Panama Canal

  This political cartoon is about the Panama Canal. The Panama Canal is a canal in panama that was built to make travel by ship between the Atlantic and Pacific ocean easier. The cartoonist does not agree with Roosevelt in this cartoon. Roosevelt is being depicted negatively in this cartoon. I think this because Roosevelt is trampling over society’s laws. Some others might argue that the US needs Panama to make life easier for us. They might also say there is no negative effect to Panama, once they build the canal. This cartoonist uses both labeling and symbolism. The words “ Panama or Bust,” “ Columbian protest,” and “ International Law,” are examples of labeling in this cartoon. The elephant symbolizes the Republicans. Roosevelt was a Republican. This cartoon shows that international law is being disregarded due to imperialism. I agree with the cartoon. I think that imperialism should have limits.

"Unit 3 - Imperialism." Sturgis West History. Weebly, n.d. Web. 22 Feb. 2016. <http://sturgiswesthistory.weebly.com/unit-3---imperialism.html>.